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Chapter 13 - Exploring Trigonometric Functions
Print Your Own Protractor
Of course it is not going to be as accurate as a manufactured protractor, but in a pinch it can't be beat. Just print it, cut it out, and start measuring angles. You can also print a ruler here too. The site is by Lawrence Goetz of Brooklyn, New York. A good example of doing what it takes to get the job done! Click here to visit the site.
Mathematics on a Golf Hole
Interesting ideas for getting some practice measuring angles and distances! The lesson plan is by Nancy Powell at Bloomington High School in Bloomington, Illinois. Includes Protractor Golf (Adobe PDF file). Click here.
Eratosthenes Related Sites
Snell's Law Related Sites
  • NWU Virtual Physics Laboratory -from Northwestern University, Department of Physics and Astronomy. There are other "virtual physics labs" on this site, select the Snell's Law lab from this home page menu. Explore!!
  • Interactive Snell's Law Demo -click on the "next" menu item to load the Snell's Lab module. You can select the two materials to demonstrate Snell's Law. There are many other cool labs on this site. Explore!! Web site is by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.
  • Physics Classroom Tutorial-The Anatomy of the Eye -by T. Henderson, science teacher at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. A great description of the physics involved in the eye. Snell's Law is fundamental to the process of seeing.
  • Spearing Fish and the Refraction of Light -Alaska Alive, part of the Alaska Native Knowledge Network: a resource for exchanging information related to Alaska Natives. Provided by the Alaska Federation of Natives and the University of Alaska.
Trigonometry Formulas - The Math Forum
The Math Forum's Ask Dr. Math "Trigonometry Formulas" page. Study this for another explanation of how to solve triangles when you know two sides and an angle (acute or obtuse) opposite one of the sides. Click here.
Mass on a Spring
The mass on a spring we discussed in class is easier to visualize using this JAVA applett. The difference is the graph shows each cycle continues at the same height as the first "release." This is showing an "ideal" system, one with no friction -- so it goes on forever once you let go of the spring. This can exist only in an artificial world since in the real world friction will cause each cycle to be somewhat less than the first and this "dampening" of the oscillation will continue until the mass on the end of the spring comes to rest. Web site is from Michigan State University in East Lansing Michigan. Click here.


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